
Entrepreneurial Leadership Program

Course  •  15 Lessons  •  90-Day Access

We will distill down centuries of leadership theory into a few key leadership practices that will help you scale your organization, empower and galvanize your team, and inevitably drive better and repeatable business results.

10% discount for nonprofit and educational leaders
  • Course:  14 Lessons
  • Duration:  18 hours 
  • Video Time:  4 hours
  • Instructor:  Jennifer Longnion
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Each Of The 14 Modules Will Include:

  • 3-5 short video lessons (10 mins or less)
  • 3-4 leadership exercises per lesson (max 10 mins each) including:
  • Leadership reflections
  • Personal action plan
  • Quick quizzes
  • Practical case studies to test concept mastery (for some lessons)
  • Tips & tricks for applying what you learn
  • Recommended reinforcements, including additional readings, videos, and podcasts

1-2 modules released weekly.

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Jennifer Longnion

Affectionately referred to as the “Org Whisperer,” Founder Jennifer “Jenn” Longnion leverages her expertise to help build and scale competitive capabilities - people, process, and technology - so organizations may accelerate their growth. Jenn spent most of her 25-year career as an Organization Development leader in multiple organizations, from academia to large Corporations.
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