Episode 23

Jul 12 / Jennifer Longnion

Meet Wil Ramos

Interview by Jennifer Longnion


July 12, 2021


In this episode...

A lifelong student of people, Wil Ramos reminds us that the person we need to know best is our self. His USD? It’s an aggressive pursuit of self improvement, a journey to discover his own version of success over his lifetime. And how does he define success today? Well his goals are simple: He wants to be a functioning member of society, the best father, and a great husband. All of those things require the willingness to self reflect, question one’s mental models, be empathetic towards others, and be open to constant reinvention. It is through his journey of self transformation that he has gained the wisdom and bold intellectual honesty that inform his work as a senior leader at Philips Healthcare where he leads org-wide transformations across North America. Come learn about Wil, the insights he’s learned about self transformation and how you can support the Veterans Empowerment Organization.
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Wil Ramos
Wil is a lifelong student of people. He has over 11 years of mostly (smile) successful experiences in leading change management in support of complex transformational programs. He now leads the development and deployment of change management strategies in North America at Philps. Wil holds an undergraduate degree in History and a Masters in Science in Leadership and Business Ethics. He served 7 years as a U.S Army Infantry officer and now lives in the Atlanta area with his wife and children.
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