Episode 25

Jul 27 / Jennifer Longnion

Meet Terry Stafford

Interview by Jennifer Longnion


July 27, 2021


In this episode...

Author, editor, storyteller, bluegrass musician, and retiree from his 30-year project management career at NASA?! That sums up Terry Stafford, whose USD is his eclectic way of approaching life - openly pursuing a wide swath of interests over time. Terry is committed to continuous learning, continuously trying new things, overcoming fear, and connecting to different parts of himself yet to be explored. He encourages the same of others. What's his latest pursuit? He's taken his multi-decade and well honed experience in project management to one of his other passions, writing. With his book "Project Management for Writers," Terry shares the frameworks, repeatable processes and systems authors may use to get organized as they dive into their creative endeavors. Come learn about Terry, his journey of self-discovery, and his commitment to Salt + Light who are building communities for the homeless.
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Terry Stafford
Award-winning author, Terry Stafford, devotes himself to sharing stories of music and hope for those who long for the good ol’ days. Having come to writing in the second half of life, he now uses his background in project management to help creatives transform from scatter-brained writers to prolific storytellers while helping leaders use story to succeed.
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