Episode 37

Nov 28 / Jennifer Longnion

Meet Special Episode of See & Free Studio: Seeking Purpose in your Career

Interview by Jennifer Longnion


November 28, 2021


In this episode...

In this special episode, we’ve invited three incredible grad students to the show who are facing major life milestones in the midst of one of the most incomprehensible times in our lives. Evanne, Alex and Ryan have spent the last few months exploring their USD’s and appreciating how knowing what makes them “unique, special & different” informs their life choices, perspectives, and their career paths. Come be inspired by these emerging leaders as they share their stories and aspirations. We’ll also share our tips for everyone who’s seeking purpose and new opportunities in your career.
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Evanne Drucker
Evanne Drucker is in the last semester of her MBA program at Loyola Marymount University. A true Los Angeles girl, she has previous experience in the film and television industry, but now works in Student Affairs and Facility Management at LMU. On the horizon, Evanne is looking to pivot into People Operations and Culture to chase her true passion: employee satisfaction and retention.
Alexandra O'Hagan-Padron
Alexandra is a Senior Investment Associate at KEEN Growth Capital, where they invest in early-stage food and beverage companies. She is especially passionate their investments into companies that use evidence-based food and supplement products that support a Food as Medicine approach to health and wellness. (Food as Medicine is a philosophy where food and nutrition can mitigate the effects of acute and chronic diseases and act as preventative medicine to encourage optimal health.) Alexandra finds joy in helping entrepreneurs grow and scale their business to have maximum positive impact in the world. She is currently an MBA candidate at Loyola Marymount University where she is working hard to become a more agile, innovative, and impactful leader.
Ryan Robles
Ryan Robles is currently managing a ghost kitchen facility leading logistics, implementation, and sales. He received his B.S Business Management from California State University Northridge while working with the City of Beverly Hills on Small Business Development Strategies. He wants to consult with businesses on sustainable strategies throughout the business framework. He is currently working on developing a coffee brand that is certified organic and a part of one percent of the planet. In his free time he enjoys being outdoors, food tours, and traveling.
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