Episode 18

Jun 6 / Jennifer Longnion

Meet Sophie Wyne

Interview by Jennifer Longnion


June 6, 2021


In this episode...

“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” (Jane Goodall) This week’s guest Sophie Wyne is doing just that - making a difference and changing today’s workplace for the better. At just 25 years old, this Founder and CEO is making a positive impact in the World by bringing her USD “Perfectionism with perspective” to everything she does. How’d she discover her USD so early in life? She’ll tell you it’s from flinging herself into tough situations, getting focused fast, and fixing the problems in front of her. That is the advice she gives to other emerging entrepreneurs as well...to learn from failure and look at the challenges you’ve overcome to tap into what makes you resourceful and resilient. Come hear Sophie’s story as it is just getting started, and find out how you may contribute to the SPCA
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Sophie Wyne
Sophie Wyne, Co-Founder and CEO of Ariglad. Before I make any major decision in my life I stop and ask myself whether my choice will lead to instigating positive change in the world. That is what inevitably lead me to start Ariglad, an HR tech solution that’s changing the way organizations manage internal culture. The best part of my day to day is connecting with people from all walks of life about a topic that we can all relate to: building a culture of belonging and support. I’m a native Vancouverite but I’ve lived in Denmark for 6 years and completed my bachelors in Copenhagen. As soon as COVID ends I am planning on visiting all the friends I’ve met while starting Ariglad, from LA in the US to Sydney, Australia!
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