Episode 27

Aug 17 / Jennifer Longnion

Meet Sienna Jackson

Interview by Jennifer Longnion


August 17, 2021


In this episode...

She started college at just 14 years old, and now at 28, she’s attaining her fourth college degree - this time an MBA at UCLA. Yes she is smart, but there’s more to it. Her USD is the perseverance to work really hard and master what she learns. She tackles whatever is in front of her, and that includes the pursuit of knowledge and the pursuit of social change. Sienna found the intersection of her passions for journalism and government - where she chased down geo-political scandals and illuminated international relations, and married that with her experience in the entertainment industry, an industry with an enormous platform to reach people through music and movies yet steeped in issues around discrimination and harassment leading to the Me Too movement. That intersection - social good. Now she is taking on climate change, institutional racism, gender bias, food deserts, access to fintech, and more. Her objective - getting the right stakeholders in a room to solve big problems. She reminds us that all of these problems are man made and therefore can be solved by man through powerful collaboration and coalition where we recognize that these issues are interconnected and need to be detangled and resolved. How do we all make net positive change on a social issue?Come learn all about Sienna, the change she’s making in the World, and The Collective Identity Mentoring, a new 501c3 nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles that focuses on mentoring Black women and girls.
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Sienna Jackson
Sienna Jackson is an LA based producer, founder, and executive with 10+ years of experience in the entertainment industry and a background in government affairs, grassroots organizing and journalism. Sienna has worked with the industry’s top talents, including Pharrell Williams, Jay Z, Gwen Stefani, U2, Eminem and many others to create multi-winning Academy Award and Golden Globe nominated original music for film and television. Sienna is the founder and CEO of Zoran Creative Strategy, a social enterprise consultancy that offers strategic partnerships and social impact campaign management for nonprofits, government agencies, brands, and businesses seeking to grow their triple bottom line. Sienna also sits on the board of The Collective Identity Mentoring, a Los Angeles based nonprofit that mentors Black girls and young women ages 13-25.
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