Episode 40

Jan 9 / Jennifer Longnion

Meet Sabrina Bier

Interview by Jennifer Longnion


January 9, 2022


In this episode...

Sabrina Bier is a successful Chicago real estate broker & expert, accomplished speaker and trainer, brand strategist and philanthropist. Fueling her success is the ability to thrive despite a number of invisible hurdles and struggles. Sabrina thrived through a terrible tragedy finding the support, energy, strength and mindset to overcome subsequent obstacles. She found her source of strength in her USD - her ability to vocalize her circumstances but more importantly sharing the ways she prevailed over them. Her message is that we don’t need to let the “terrible” define us, but instead motivate us and lift others up in the process. Sabrina is proof that you can be both successful and vulnerable, giving others hope that they too can prevail over pain by leaning on each other. As she shares, “you can’t experience the highs in life if you haven’t experienced the lows” - both can motivate and fuel you and connect you to communities of tried and true friendships who empathize with and support you. And that is what Sabrina is doing now - creating community - for those with chronic illness, for her foster children, and for those in need in her hometown of Chicago. Check out Sabrina’s episode and learn more about her nonprofit Re-Connect Chicago (https://www.re-connectchicago.org/).
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Sabrina Bier
Sabrina is a long time Chicago real estate broker turned an accomplished speaker/trainer with proficiency in market analysis, extensive knowledge of the hyper-local, regional and national real estate market, social media strategy and a broad understanding in planning unique and uber successful philanthropic and networking events. Her magic is in teaching people to connect, network and build relationships to help them grow their business/brand to their true potential through education and mixing both “old school” and “new school” marketing and networking techniques. During Covid she co-founded RE-CONNECT Chicago - a non-profit committed to helping those in need. They with other non-profits (or community organizers) to help the youth, the homeless and the hungry throughout Chicago via fundraising, food/clothing drives, and volunteer opportunities. RE-CONNECT’s plans are to expand to other cities in need in the near future. In addition, Sabrina is a chronic illness advocate, as she has suffered from multiple chronic autoimmune diseases for her entire adult life. She is also a single foster parent to two sassy teenaged girls that she loves.
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