Episode 28

Aug 23 / Jennifer Longnion

Meet Mark Nicholas

Interview by Jennifer Longnion


August 23, 2021


In this episode...

This is a special behind-the-scenes episode of See & Free Studio with our Producer Mark Nicholas. In this episode, Mark gives us a peek at what it takes to produce our show while sharing insight into his very cool career. Mark’s a lawyer, musician, author, artist, photographer, and Owner of Manhattan Beach Studios. How did he become this Jack of all Trades? His USD: He describes it as FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) without the Fear. Mark throws himself into any endeavor with fearlessness & friends, to push him to master whatever is in front of him --sans that familiar fear of failure. His USD led to the creation of Manhattan Beach Studios, where he uses his expertise and products to bring others’ expertise and products to life, all while continually adapting his methods to a rapidly changing world. Come learn about Mark, the legacy he’s created, and his unwavering commitment to nonprofit Walk with Sally.
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Mark Nicholas
Mark is the owner of Manhattan Beach Studios. He is a lawyer and author. In the creative world, he has been a musician, audio engineer, a photographer and a video producer providing marketing and strategic services to a wide collection of clients. Even with all of those endeavors, his proudest accomplishment is being a father to his daughter.
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