Episode 34

Oct 17 / Jennifer Longnion

Meet Marica Slaughter

Interview by Jennifer Longnion


October 17, 2021


In this episode...

Marica Slaughter...what's her USD? She's a connector and bridge builder - she prides herself on bringing people together to win and be successful. She's thoughtful and contemplative, and most importantly a leader who approaches challenges, goals, and circumstances with a steady resolve. While Marica has opportunities to lead in her day job as Director of Design Ops at MailChimp, her real passion is founding and leading Raw5Gear (www.raw5gear.com). A former star point guard at Georgia State University, Marica started Raw5Gear as a way to combine her innate creativity, community connections, and leadership while paying homage to her love of sports. Raw5Gear is a clothing brand dedicated to bringing awareness to the disparity in women's sports. Women make up 40% of collegiate athletes but only get 4% of marketing and recognition. Marica is using this medium to create dialogue, bring awareness, and drive change for fair and equitable programming and resources for women playing and coaching sports. Every step of the way, she’s focused on being a good leader and leaving a legacy. As she states, “legacy comes from the longevity of the things you instill in other people.” The people that mean the most to her are her three young boys - her legacy as a Mom is to raise “good humans.” Come learn about Marica, Raw5Gear, and The Women’s Sports Foundation.
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Marica Slaughter
Marica is the founder of raw5gear, a clothing line created to promote recognition and equality for women athletes. As a former athlete herself, Marica understands the valuable lessons that come from playing sports, but also the disparities women in sports face. Through raw5gear, Marica is focused on creating opportunities that help push through those boundaries. Marica is also the Director of Design Operations at Mailchimp, and mom to three boys. Donation to: The Women’s Sports Foundation Link: https://www.womenssportsfoundation.org/support-us/#donate
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