Episode 14

May 10 / Jennifer Longnion

Meet Honorée Corder

Interview by Jennifer Longnion


May 10, 2021


In this episode...

If you’ve ever considered writing a book, then Honorée Corder is the perfect coach to have in your corner. Her USD is helping others convey their experience and knowledge through writing. Questioning whether your story is important to share? Well Honorée combats that kind of self-doubt through perfectly-timed encouragement and by reminding aspiring authors that it is not just what you share but how you tell your story that uniquely resonates with your readers. And just like your USD, one other important lesson she shares: You must promote yourself and your book for the rest of your life. Come learn from and about Honorée Corder and how she supports Family and Children’s Services.
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Honorée Corder
Honorée Corder is an executive and strategic book and publishing coach, TEDx speaker, and the author of more than 50 books including You Must Write a Book. Additionally, she is co-creator of The Miracle Morning book series with Hal Elrod. Honorée passionately helps business professionals and entrepreneurs write, publish, and monetize their books, boost their brands, and get much more business! She also runs the Empire Builders and The Collective Mastermind groups, does all sorts of other magical things, and her badassery is legendary. You can find out more at HonoreeCorder.com.
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