Episode 35

Nov 1 / Jennifer Longnion

Meet Gian Martinez

Interview by Jennifer Longnion


November 1, 2021


In this episode...

Gian Martinez exudes energy, confidence, creativity, positivity and a growth mindset and those are the qualities he also promotes through his business and his USD. What’s Gian’s USD? He’s spent his lifetime trying to master the science of creativity - specifically to create amazing things in a consistent way. Going one step further, he’s committed to empowering creative capability in others - especially young people trying to emerge from poverty - teaching them that they can nourish and use their creative potential to change their reality and their family’s and community’s circumstances. Gian’s message is that everyone can discover and spark creativity from within. Children, community, large enterprises...we can use creativity to solve big problems. That is exactly what he’s doing with fast growth start-up Winnin. Winnin’s mission is to understand through data what audiences really want to watch. We are surrounded by content, and continue to push content that’s often not often relevant to societal issues. We need to make content that matters, that’s more relevant for people and society, and that makes a difference. Winnin maps where and how brands can make an impact in our collective context. Launched last year in Brazil, Winnin is making its way to the US in the next few months! Come learn about Gian, his USD, and his commitment to Gerando Falcoes, one of the largest nonprofit movements in Brazil focused on overcoming social differences and poverty.
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Gian Martinez
Winnin empowers creativity with data. It's proprietary software uses AI to aggregate and transform online video data into actionable cultural insights helping leading brands, agencies and media companies to create content people really want to watch. TikTok, AbInbev, Coca-Cola, Hotmart, Endemol, Globo, top MCN's, are some of its clients. Gian started his career in advertising agencies as a planner. Then worked for 7 years at Coca-Cola leading their “Creative Excellence” team. Among the many awards won ‘The Creative Marketer of the Year’ with Coca-Cola at Cannes Lions, ‘Top 30 Under 30’ in Brazil, ‘50 names that expanded creativity in Brazil’ by WIRED and was recently nominated for ‘Innovation Professional of the Year’ by the Caboré Awards.
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