Episode 12

Apr 25 / Jennifer Longnion

Meet Eric Gilliland

Interview by Jennifer Longnion


April 25, 2021


In this episode...

Eric Gilliland illuminates the multi-faceted life and career of a Golf Pro. The “Club” aspect of the business is the responsibility of the Golf Pro, who provides a sense of belonging and community for the players, their families and the community-at-large. For Eric, it’s not just the skill or how you play the game, his USD is the ability to understand what people are looking for, what types of experiences they enjoy, connecting with them and then becoming their best friend on the course and off. Come hear Eric’s story, including how he triumphed over colon cancer and is now dedicating much of his energy and free time to helping others through The Colon Cancer Prevention Project.
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Eric Gilliland
I am in my 21st season as the PGA Head Golf Professional at Audubon Country Club in Louisville, KY. Susan and I have three children – Tony married (Amber), Conner is a junior engineering student at the University of Louisville, Libby is a freshman at LaSalle in Philadelphia studying communications and a member of the women’s golf team. I am serving my second term on the Executive Committee of the Colon Cancer Prevention Project. I play 100 Holes of Golf to raise funds and awareness for the “Project” each year. I am a devoted fan of the lowly Pittsburgh Pirates as well as the Philadelphia 76ers and Green Bay Packers.
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