Episode 19

Jun 14 / Jennifer Longnion

Meet Christine DiDonato

Interview by Jennifer Longnion


June 14, 2021


In this episode...

Christine DiDonato’s USD is to help other people find their unique and special talent, and the people she really wants to help are our next generation of career seekers - those just entering their careers and emerging talent who are trying to navigate the complexities of organizations. After years of working with young people to shape their career paths, Christine notes there is an ever-increasing generational pressure to do the “right thing, the right way, right now” and she wants to encourage our youth to let go of that pressure and instead be fueled by curiosity, energy and their personal values. Her best advice is to “be true to thine self” and to be your own best advocate. Come learn from Christine as she shares her own journey, the wisdom she’s gained along the way, and hear about her passion for Habitat for Humanity.
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Christine DiDonato
Christine DiDonato, founder of Career Revolution, Inc., LinkedIn Learning author and author of “Get There Faster: The no-nonsense, no-fluff guide to the career you want” is an innovator in the space of emerging leader development. As a former Talent Management Executive at Sony, Christine continues to focus her passion and research on empowering a new generation of employees to become the next generation of leaders. Through learning programs implemented in clients like PlayStation, Hulu, and Dollar Shave Club, Christine continues to address the career development needs of today’s workforce. She is recognized as a leading expert in her field as seen in her contributions to popular media sources like TIME, Money, Inc., Forbes, Human Capital Institute, and USA Today.
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