Episode 17

May 31 / Jennifer Longnion

Meet Amber Hameed

Interview by Jennifer Longnion


May 31, 2021


In this episode...

Proud Pakistani-American Amber Hameed could’ve followed tradition and chosen just one career path, but she’s not one to be tethered to convention. Part geek and part actor, Amber has too many passions and strengths to choose just one; she plans to explore them all. That is her USD. This self-described “rainbow unicorn” embraces her whole self: her creative side, her business side, her analytical tech side, and her empathetic side. She encourages all of us to do the same...explore and experiment, take risks, try everything and bust through your own barriers. Come learn about the multi-talented Amber Hameed, how she is transforming the music industry and supporting great organizations like Team For Kids.
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Amber Hameed
Amber brings over 20 years of experience working for Fortune 500 companies in the world of digital transformation. Working for companies like Deloitte, Pricewatehouse Coopers, Publicis Groupe and most recently Unilever’s Dollar Shave Club. Amber is very well respected and a credible voice in her domain and is often called upon to lend her expertise as a keynote speaker at conferences and events. Her expertise expands the breath of Digital Marketing, Enterprise Data Technology and Business strategy and Operations. Amber holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Northeastern University Boston in Management information Systems and Marketing. Part geek, part actor is how she describes herself, bringing versatility to all her endeavors. She is an avid traveler and has spent time in many countries worldwide both for work and leisure. She loves to run and has completed NYC Marathon and looking to run LA post COVID.
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